Neighbourhood Innovation Lab


At the Neighbourhood Innovation Lab, we design human-centred neighbourhoods. Neighbourhood Innovation Lab believes close neighbourly relationships create the unique charm of each neighbourhood. Through various community innovation projects, we seek to understand how to foster an inclusive neighbourhood identity in dense Asian cities.

Using design thinking as our methodology, our projects connect to and create partnerships across multiple neighbourhood stakeholders. By opening up conversations and dialogues, we envision to shape inclusive and human-centred neighbourhoods. To the future, we are keen to explore the integration of civic technology and use of data to empower cities and their citizens.

In 2020, we have been named Fast Company's World Changing Ideas 2020 under the Spaces, Places, and Cities category as Honourable Mention.



鄰里關係研究所於2020年獲美國商業月刊 Fast Company 提名為其中一個改變世界的理念,並於空間,地方和城市類別中獲得優異獎。